♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, November 29, 2007
LOL. sorry for the absence. Haven't been able to get internet connection over at my grandma's house. I'm at indah villa now. Rushing rushing! Will blog tomorrow I promise:)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, November 22, 2007

People changes
according to who they hang around with,
according to things they have learnt as they grow older,
Because they had a bad past,
according to who they idolise,
Are all these changes good and inevitable?
I certainly do think that changes are good if you change for the better. It is bad if your going towards the direction of lies and changing to be fake just to gain attention.
Daddy have been complaining about how much I have been lazing and bumming around at home. Sigh* Besides that, I feel incredibly lazy to even step out of the house. I finally did anyways this afternoon just to meet up with the highschool friends. *Laughs *Raises eyebrows*Alex. Funny that we were all talking about how hilarious secondary school was. Oh yes I know the reminiscing part comes every now and then. It seems like there are moments which you hold on to for a long time.
Karina used to be extremely quiet. She constantly had her hair tied up as a ponytail or braided. She got lost all the time thanks to clumsy-ness and blur-ness. She used to have her socks pulled up high until her knees. She used to be active in the interact club. She was once a Girl guide=_=....... Okay I'm not getting anywhere. Anyways, I had all the funny and pretty childish moments back in secondary school. I actually laugh all the time trying to remember them.
I bought this big book of sudoku just to freaking accompany me when I get bored up in KL. Sigh* what a boring person I am. lol I'm turning into a full time nerd soon. Considering the fact that my grandmother's place is a new apartment and they just shifted in without having a phone line, I will have completely NO chance to go online for the whole week. I'll just have my novels, a couple of Tv series, Movies and photoshop to accompany me. I don't even have much time left to download season two of heroes sigh*
I have to watch the hockey match between Malaysia and Australia on thursday. There will be a press conference for the which I have to attend after the match. lol All for the Sea Games.
Alright, I better head off to packing. Till then, XOXO.

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sorry for the long delay of this post. Have been pretty lazy to blog. Lol kinda lost the interest in blogging. The holidays have been absolutely great so far. I watch shows, I play online games, I surf the net, I read books, I sleep late and eat at an amazing amount. I am definitely gaining weight. Sigh* all the unwanted fats.
Instead of going for a game of badminton last week, we ended up watching Beowulf in the cinema. The movie have got great effects but lousy storyline. Not my favorite movie this year. I'll give it a 6/10. On the same day, I took a night train all the way back to KL for the Sea Games competition interview. Guess what! I'm going for the Thailand Sea Games on December!. My biggest dream is to travel around the world to watch various sporting events and this is the beginning:) I am excited for all the sporting actions. Two great friends of mine coming as well. That doubles up the joy.
I have finally finished season 3 and season 4: up to episode 8 of grey's anatomy. Still waiting for episode 9. As the show gets older, the storyline seems to lack of a certain amount of interesting-ness. It gets pretty boring and dull. They removed some of the characters. Sigh what a waste :( The storyline seems to revolve around sex and extra marital affair. George's character doesn't look very energetic and attractive to me now. By the way, T.R Knight aka George O'Malley is gay! I didin't know. A pretty shocking news. Isaiah Washington aka Preston Burke got kicked out of the show for calling T.R a faggot at one of the set.
Christmas is coming, I'm feelilng excited. I see beautiful trees and decoration all over, even at home. I hear christmas songs playing. My christmas template will be up soon here. :)
Results of my first year is coming out. *Prays hard
Hopefully I'll score well enough.
Thats about it, I'll post out pictures soon. Till then:) xoxo

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Monday, November 12, 2007
This is what I did for my mum yesterday. Slept at approximately 3 and woke up at 5 hearing my mum knocking on the door. She took part in the second- link run open category. I was supposed to be there alongside with my dad to support her. Decided not to run. We waited for her to complete the 10 KM run. It took pretty long. Walked 1 KM to support her near the finishing line. Great to see her going what she loves best and getting herself a medal. Although dad usually dont express himselves well but I do see him caring for my mum screaming and rooting for her. hahaha It is sweet alright.
Did nothing much within these few days except for watching shows, eating, sleeping and spending time with my brother and sister.
I simply missed one of the best seafood restaurant in Johor being in KL before this. Finally get to enjoy such great food yesterday. Had a great time eating with the family.
Okay I watched George O'Malley on grey's anatomy yesterday. His did the sweetest thing. Expressing his feelings for Meridith.
"I know I'm not a lot of things that you've gone for in the past - I know, but I would never leave you. I would never hurt you. And I will never stop loving you... "
lol Isnt' it sweet:)
Okay, and Mark Sloan is Hot. LOL
Okay I'm starting season 3 soon. I'm such an addict.
Jason is back in Johor and we're all having a bowling session tomorrow. Sigh..
lol Speaking of bowling. :S But, Its okay, I'll go if my friends wants to go. I havent seen jason for quite a while now. I can't wait for the food tomorrow.
Till then:)
Pictures from the deepavali party

♥ K a r i n a ♥ Saturday, November 10, 2007
I am amazed by how more than 100000 people gathers to fight for clean anf fair election without corruption. People who have gone for the rally deserves some respect. All I can do is to wait for news back in Johor. Without realising that the news and everything we read is being controlled by various people, without knowing how corruption have been so serious over here: I actually have the perfect image of Malaysia being a perfect country. I believe what I read or see everyday. As I grow older, I never stop hearing complains from people due to the anger caused by the lack of information and freedom. University enables me to look further into this issue. Throughout the whole first year, I decided to pick out on freedom of expression for two of my major journalism essay. I have done interviews with several major figures such as Susan Loone, Nathaniel Tan, Gayathry Venkiteswaren and K.Kabilan. I have done research on our Constitution and Law. I have read various famous political blogs. Seeing the truth makes me feel deceived and angry. I don't see the need to resort to violence or arrestment when your citizens are fighting for human rights.
I am reading a book on May13 written by Kua Kia Soong the director of SUARAM(A human rights organization. It reveals a lot of information that may anger a lot of us. How is equality ever happening!!! Those who have not read the book yet. I highly recommend this book.
Article 10:
(a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression;
(b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms;
(c) all citizens have the right to form associations.
However, with so many acts going against the article. How are we Free?
I believe in fairness. For as long as it does not concerns physical harm or defaming the reputation of anyone, it is alright.
Article 19: The universal declaration of human rights states that
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; the right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers.
Nobody wants to resort to violence but to have rights.
I have said my piece. Now I rest my case
♥ K a r i n a ♥
Its from one of my all time favorite romance movie, A lot like love. lol
Anna Nalick-Breathe
I'm hopelessly attracted to guys who are honest.
LOL Isn't George O'malley fron grey's anatomy sweet, honest, loyal and cute? He is my favorite male character from the series. Guys like him would make the best life partner:P
He might not be the most good looking one but I think his cute hahaha

Okay I have been watching too much of Grey's anatomy to kill time. No doubt, it is a pretty good show. It contains a lot of elements of relationships, hardships and friendships. Other than that, I have started watching House and Heroes 2. Looks like I have a lot to complete.
Went over to Sharveen's place for a Deepavali party. I had a great time as food was unbelievably awesome and the people were all nice:)
Had a pleasant supprise when I saw the cake Sharveen, her sis and her aunt make for me and szejia as a belated birthday gift. Awh.. Thanks you so much. I love the cake by the way. It tasted really good and I see the word friendship filled the whole cake. The four of us have been friends for almost 8 years and I promise that it will still countinue.
By the way, it's strange that the early christmas mood have hit me. lol Christmas is the most beautiful season of all time and I simply love just staring at beautiful lights and decorations. hahaha Okay just ignore this part of the post. I know it's stilll the Deepavali season.
I admit, I would prefer to read happier post then to read those emotional ones. Probably a private blog would be a better option. Perhaps writing out enables people to release some emotions and feel better. I am a person who don't usually share much unless I feel like sharing and it will only be to someone I trust and believed in.
Alright, I'm getting really hungry. I'll post out pictures from the party later on. Till then:)
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Friday, November 09, 2007
I simply don't understand why do people keep giving me bad remarks on my hometown. Even if you did, I quietly swallowed down everything. But when I do say little things about KL,everyone comes argueing with me. LOL Isn't it a little childish? I have lived long enough in both places to actually understand each places well. Both have their own distinctive points. No point fighting over who is better. I have people telling me how developed KL is , how high-tech KL is. Johor on the other hand is just an "Ulu" and boring place. The fact is, some of you have not even set foot once in Johor or stay long enough to actually come up with a conclusion. I love KL, I really do for all the shopping and entertainment. Being the top city in Malaysia doesn't give you the rights to complain about other places. It's not about showing who is superior, it's about being the same.
lol I hope this doesn't offend people. I'm just expressing out how I feel.
♥ K a r i n a ♥ Thursday, November 08, 2007

2. A picture of you and a friend:

I decided to picture of me and sonia. Lol miss you lots.

♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tagged by Alex:)
1. The phone rings,who do you want it to be?-Matthew McConaughey drools:) or anyone of you out there in KL:P
2.When shopping at the grocery store,do you return your cart?-hahahaha. HMm I usually leave the cart just beside the car:P I admit okay
3.In a social setting,are you more of a talker or listener?-Listener. I'm a pretty quiet person. Used to be real quiet, guess I've improved
4.Do you take compliments well?-Errr nope. Compliment phobic. I avoid compliments all the time.
5.Do you play Sudoku?-lol If I'm really bored. I do
6.If abandoned alone in the wilderness,would you survive?-Hmm maybe not. LOL if I'm not alone, its okay.
7.What song are you listening to?-Feist- My man my moon
8.Did you ever go to a camp as a kid?-A lot, My parents used to make me go for all sorts of camps.
9.What was your favourite game as a kid?-The game where you draw boxes on the ground and hop on it, Masak masak, haha there is so many
10.Are you single?-Uhm yeah I am. I'm just looking aruond for the right guy
11.Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?-Yesh. However it depends, I believe that we're all free to choose what we believe in. If i'm forced to do something, I probably won't
12.Do you like to pursue or be pursued?-Both. Depends. :P
13.Use three words to describe yourself.-Naive, conscious, Blur
14.Do any songs make you cry?-Err?? no. HAHA i do know someone who cries because of one last cry... laughs
15.Are you continuing your education?-Yes. Of course hahaha
16.Do you know how to shoot a gun?-Real gun?? Hmm not sure. But if it's just like the one in games, yeah hahaha:P
17.If ur house was on fire,what would be the first thing that u'll grab?-I'll save the people instead of grabbing on anything. I would've been to scared to even remember to grab stuff.
18.How often do you read books?-LOl I read a lot when I don't have much to do.
19.Do you think more about the past,present or future?-Past and sometimes I worry about what may come by in the future.
20.What is your favourite children's book?-Goosebumps hahahahaha
21.What color are your eyes?-Dark brown
22.How tall are you?-162/3 Not sure
23.Where is your dream house located?-Somewhere that has beautiful flowers and trees. More towards the nature. I want a house with a peaceful setting. I want to wake up everyday listening to birds chirping and water flowing.
24.Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?-hahaha uhuh. I dont like taking pictures from there though.
25.When was the last time you were at Oliva Garden?-?? err Oliva garden>>>???
26.Do you like mustard?-HAHA I know a lot of people don't but I do
27.Do you prefer to sleep or eat?-hmm probably eat. hehehe Food is my life. I'm a very light sleeper, so sleep is not really important to me
28.Do you look like your mom and dad?-hahaha yeah. the way i walk and some of my features resembles my dad. My eyes, mouth and some other features resembles my mum.
29.How long does it take you in the shower?-hahahaha Girls naturally bath longer then guys:p
30.Can you do the splits?-err no. I can't
31.What movie do you want to see right now?-1408! hahaha I am feeling horror right now.
32.What did you do for New Year?-I was out with my family and several friends. Went for dinner and countdown at some hotel.
33.Do you own a camera phone?-Erh yeah. But it's like an ancient phone hahaha I seriously need to change to one new phone.
34.Was your mom a cheerleader?-Erh haha nope. My mum was an athlete
35.How many hours of sleep do you get at night?-Everyday less then 6 hours
36.Do you like care bears?-eww. lol nope Disney used to show it all the time and it's annoying
37.What do you buy at the movies?-hahaha err most of the time i smuggle in candies and snacks if not it'll be popcorn and mineral water.
38.Do you know how to play poker?-Nope
39.Do you wear your seatbelt?-All the time.
40.What do you wear to sleep?-shorts, spagetti or pyjamas
41.Anything big ever happen in your hometown?-Big?? like crimes?? yesh johor bahru is filled with rape and rob cases. There was 2 rape cases which happened near my house.
42.How many meals do you eat a day?-err I dont know hahaha a lot. I eat everytime i'm hungry. Whoops
43.Do you always read frienster bulletins?-err nope haha. Hardly and when I do, I must be really bored
44.Do you like funny or serious people better?-Funny can be nice sometimes. You'll enjoy yourself if there are humorous people around you. However, Not everyday for me. It depends on situation.
45.Ever been to L.A.?-hahaha nope. Its in one of my places to travel. Hope to visit there in the near future.
46.Did you eat a cookie today?-Yeah I did. hahaha at the hari raya open house I went to just now
47.tag 3 people.
Jason Khaw, Selina, Lynette G
♥ K a r i n a ♥
I love this song:)
I'm finally back in Johor. The holidays is going by smoothly. I have outings, food, shopping and of course television series to catch up with.
I'll start off with our one day trip to Bukit Tinggi. The scenery of both Japanese and French village is simply breathtaking. I had a great time walking, enjoying the view, eating, and so many other actitivities. Overall a great one day trip.
I had a great time yesterday hanging out with Alvin and Sze in City Square. Spent lots of time talking, catching up and walking around. Bought 3 seasons of Grey's Anatomy. Johor sell's the best quality of DVD'S around. We were all talking about our how our childhood was like. From famous cartoons to chilhool sweetheart. lol. Its was pretty fun I must say.

Just a short post. I have lots of pictures to post out. Will be back soon:)