Couture ME <3


♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, May 31, 2010

Mummy went back to Malaysia just a few hours ago but I didin't even get the chance to go to the airport with her. Sigh. In fact, I just came back home an hour ago from Uni. Did work from 9am in the morning till 12am. I'm exhausted and ber-emo-ing because I'm back to my lonesome self ): Can't blame me. I grew up in an environment where I have people to talk to before and after I wake up every single day (pretty big family I have). Now it's just me having monologues -_- . I don't wanna have din din alone in front of my computer, I don't wanna walk home with heavy groceries ( Not that I have a choice. The workload from uni is far too crazy and my kawan-kawan sekalian are pretty much busy with workload too)

*Emo* *Hugs teddy.
*Emo* My man tou became cold and hard after typing this ):
and I'm starting to miss mummy.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 10:51 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, May 30, 2010

HEHE look at how cool my mum is :D

We did some last minute sight seeing and walking around the city. Had tea at one of the cafes at Little Collins Street before some fine dining action at night. My feet hurts from all the walking with heels ): .
@ Crown:

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 10:17 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥

I don't know what is with songs these days. Everything have something to do with partying, chicks,etc. What happened to those days when music was all about meaningful lyrics and good voices?

It's strange that people label the "cool" group in terms of the genre of music they listen to and so often, people who fancy rock and partying tracks are "cool" people. -_- Who in the world came up with that anyway? Truth to be told, I only believe in good musicians making good music be it old or new. Enough said.

and I just realised that I haven't been in touch with the music scene recently haha. Have been hiding for far too long. Quite pathetic.

I'm currently in the busiest period of this year having to juggle so many things at once. Staying up late to do some multimedia works every single night without fail and it's certainly wearing me out. sigh. Hopefully this will me over soon. Thankfully enough I only have one paper and the paper does not involve studying but practicing.

Mama mia was pretty good. It was funny seeing mummy moving along with the music at the theatre (:

We had dim sum at Chinatown in the afternoon before heading to Collins street for some shopping. Mummy is flying back on Monday ): . Going to miss having someone to talk to and having someone to say goodnight to before sleeping.

my favorite hehehe mango pudding :D *slurp slurp

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:14 AM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, May 28, 2010

The other day I had this -_- random talk with one of my friends about our most embaressing moments and I got to say that I have pretty much a lot of these "moments" and I actually had people witnessing them.

I accidently went into this random stranger's car thinking that it's my dad's car and I only realised that after for like 10 minutes. That guy gave me the strangest stare ever.

I wore my school blouse inside out. I was wondering why my driver and everyone in the car were laughing at me at the time-_-.

I hehe forgotten to button or zip at least twice my life *hides behind the door*

It's always nice to hear funn stories from my friends.

Anyway, I just reached Melbourne. Canberra was pretty fun but I still nonetheless love Melbourne.

Went to the war memorial museum (I love museums!!), The Parliament of Aus, and plenty of other places. I shall post out all the pictures soon. It's just a few from day one at the moment because I have to wake up early for breakfast tomorrow before heading the Collins street for some shopping. Mum wants to buy a bag.
Adious! (: Hi Melbie friends. Missed me? :P

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 11:44 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Canberra is a really quiet and laid back place as compared to Melbourne. There's pretty much nothing to do here to be exact besides a few shopping places but the people are really helpful and friendly.

My emergency travel document if finally done -_- and we still have 2 more days at Canberra. We decided to book for a "all around Canberra" tours tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get to see some nice stuff.

): sigh sore throat came back and we are still very upset over the lost at home sigh. It's sad to see mum and dad being upset. Think about the stuff they kept for many years being taken away. I'm trying to make this trip enjoyable so mummy will be happier. Anyway, through all these incidents, I finally realised who truely cares.

My candies for the flight(:

The immigration place-_- Looks like the one back at Malaysia.

-_- We didint know where are all the food places. We only saw this place while walking.

Big bag of little sprout stuff for little brother and sister.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:22 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ok I figured that I shouldn't talk about unhappy stuff at my blog at the moment. Well at least I shall try to make things looks nicer (:

Mum's here with me. We had a long day and I haven't slept for more than 35 hours? Kept dozing off in class, in the train and even when I'm just standing at one place-_-. Heading to the embassy tomorrow then it's a little bit of sight seeing at Canberra. We're catching Mama Mia from the theater when we come back to Melbourne and my mum wants to do a little bit of shopping and food hunting. So hmm name me all the shopping places!!! lol
My stuff for Canberra (: -_- What is with me and black
I needed the hat coz I was having a bad hair day ):

Mum came here and turned my kitchen into a healthy zone. Almost everything have something to do with fruits, vitamins and for the sake of being healthy.

Oh well hehe at least I know that my mum likes maltesers-_-. She bought a whole big pack of it just now.
Good times (: hehe I found pictures!










Well we shall only pray for the best right now. I have been pretty unlucky lately but hopefully things will get better. So this is me being optimistic.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:12 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, May 24, 2010

So I was talking to my younger sister about how did the burglars took our money and stuff at home. My sister said that they entered her room and nudge her shoulder asking her to wake up. Basically they asked her on which is my parent's room and to pretend that shes having a bad stomach ache so daddy would open the door. (Admit that shes real brave here. Funny that she even offered them her camera, her nintendo ds, and a couple of other stuff but they didin't want them. It's scary that she even have the guts to challenge them telling them that there are guards near our house). My dad knew it wasn't my sister who was knocking but opened the door for the fear of my sister getting hurt. They were tied up in the room (Apparently they were bad at tying knots-_-. My sister could just pull the knot through the end). My baby brother was left on the bed (he was really cute because after the whole incident, he told us that the men looked really scary with his mask on but he wasn't afraid). Well, they did turn my house upside down, took plenty of money, jewelleries, watches, bags. AND INJURED MY daddy!

I'm really upset and angry right now.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 10:28 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥

Sometimes I wonder if life is a joke. Why do bad things happens all the time.

Malaysia is not a safe place to stay at. Sigh what is with robbing people of their hard earned money? Since you have the energy to rob, you might as well use that energy to get money the proper ways. Hope you robbers burn in hell.

On a lighter note,

I'm touched by a note from my sister (I'ts enough to put me in tears):

Dear curry,

I know that i have been mean. I haven't exactly been there for you. The thing is i miss you everyday. I miss all the fun times we had throughout our childhood days/pre-adolescent days when things aren't so complicated. Remember how we used to love doing so many things together. How we used to sing "Rain rain go away" in hopes that the rain would stop then we can all go to pulai spring for swimming. How you used to cheer me up whenever i'm sad and it works both ways. I miss us in those times. How time passes us by. They say to cherish every beautiful moments , its true indeed. I couldn't be more happier to have you as my sister. It is very unlike me to tell you in person because i always ended up blurting hurtful words that were not truly my real intentions. You are special to me. I'll tell you a secret. I've always loved it whenever you cook something at home though i might seemed that i don't appreciate it at all. I love everything you've given me even the pink heart shape thing you got me before i leave for the UK. I love your laughter and i love listening to you laughing back at my jokes. It feels that at least I still have someone like you by my side to go through life even when life is such a tough road ahead. Lets do something crazy and wicked some day. Lets be a child again like how we used to because we are perfect that way. I miss you dearly and i hope that you'll get your ass back to Malaysia as soon as possible :p

Yours truly,

ps: I will be back soon. I miss you and everybody back at home every single day without fail. Love you so much (:

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:09 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Argh!!! I can't take it anymore. My annoying neighbours upstairs kept having some sort of party between 2am-7am!!. I hear ten thousand footsteps, screams and people talking loudly. I need my beauty sleep ):

*Pulls Hair*
It's really a bad time to go to Canberra considering the fact that I have tones of assignments to submit and I have to do them in advance-_- . It's 2:19am and I'm still printing the required documents to submit to the Malaysian Embassy. Hopefully my flight and everything on Tuesday will be a smooth and nice one.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 3:47 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Saturday, May 22, 2010

I think I lost literally half of my weight (Exaggeration lol) and energy in just one night. I mean I do get stomach discomfort quite often but not as bad as this. Literally spent the night in bed when I'm supposed to be talking to my younger sister. Sigh This is the point of time when I really wished that I was back at home. I know amah would have rubbed medicated oil and massage my tummy for me, szejia would have brought me to the doctor if I was at KL and my parents would have done the same if I was at JB. I don't even know where is the nearest clinic -_-.

and the aircon in my room doesn't turn off even when I switched it off. ugh. So cold.

Ok I just realised that I sounded so whiny.

I'm now looking for a place to stay at Canberra because me and my mum are going to be there for 3 days. Hopefully the travel document will be done by then.

Then its:!!!!

Fun filled time :D
Like this:
Unglam pictures -_- (:





hahahaha!! Lie to the waiter again saying that it's szejia's birthday again :D

Noob :P



~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 3:36 PM

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