Couture ME <3


♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I was looking through all the stuff that I brought back from my friend's place. Don't really know how to describe how I felt seeing all the items that had a lot of memories behind them. There were dead flowers -_-, there were a lot of gifts, a lot of photographs, a lot of notes on papers, and stuff that dont belong to me. Hmm and I'm still not sure on how am I going to store everything nicely at my place. The stuff are really crowding my apartment right now.

Anyway, look what I found! My favorite lava lamp (:

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 5:54 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, July 26, 2010

I returned my rented car this morning with Jason and Aaron. We had an early breakfast at Coconut house -_- (Their first customers to be exact haha) then it was school all the way for me. It took me such a long time to complete my storyboards and presentation slides but the lecturer said that we didin't have to present but just send him details of our short video. Wasted my time doing so much. lol. Oh well, I do love what I'm doing so I don't mind doing extra or going for every single classes. (: Yeap! I'm a nerd.

New little poney hehehe :D

Aaron and Jason-_- competing with each other on iphone's air hockey.

Yong tau fu

I secretly took this at Biero haha when Mun Hoong and the rest of the biero people were competing to see who finishes first in drinking whatever thats on the table.

Met daniel on the way back and it was nice to spend some time talking. Good to know someone who has the passion for designing and he is one hell of a movie fan!

Ok my Thai food delivery is here (: yay! super hungry. Adious.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 6:07 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, July 25, 2010

This is going to be an incredibly heavy picture post from the night during Shim Pei's birthday and our mini Japanese dinner at Ito. I decided to not post up most of the pictures that night because it just was a bad night altogether. These are the remaining ones that consists of mostly me and Alva. It would have been such a waste if I had not post them out because Alva look great that night!


























I finally went to Biero bar last night with Praveen and gang. Yeap the place have this really cosy feel to it. The concept and interior of the whole bar is brilliant! (: They have this hugh collection of beers and alcohol sold there and I did managed to try some of them. The live band and magiv performance added into how great biero was and boy I sure did have fun getting to know more people.

Not forgetting that Aaron's here at Melbourne! yay. He wanted to surprise me by showing up when I shifted my stuff over to my current place. (: He certainly did helped a lot with the shifting and we're going to be meeting up very often now that he's here. Had dinner with him, Jason, Ching Yee, Soon Tiong and Soon Hau.

Now I'm back at home drawing out my story board for the 30 seconds video.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 10:04 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Saturday, July 24, 2010

我要的只是那些会保护我, 尊敬, 还有不会伤害我的人.

From now onwards, the things that I chose not to remember, I won't remember. Sometimes it's nicer to live in a dream than to face the whole cruel truth.

At times, I feel like I don't deserved certain things that went on in my life and why things have to happen the way it did.

Have I done anything wrong?
I'm so scared of so many things right now. Who am I to trust and is there truthfully anyone out there who deserves my trust?

I can let go of everything and go on being alright and looking fine (Altough I'm naive,I do have high tolerance level towards things that hurts and I can be strong) but I won't be able to control the things that kept coming back haunting me.

Wishing for better days.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:13 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, July 23, 2010

I can haz LONG HAIR (: !

Can you imagine the things people come up with for vanity-__- . I was quite curious when I first heard of such a thing called the "hair extension" long ago. So recently I decided to experiment with one of it and see how it feels like to have one on.

Ok la. I put it on, it looks alright but I think I'd prefer to go natural instead. It feels weird to have some random synthetic hair clipped on to my own hair although it really did look natural.So nope.. Aint no gonna put them on.

So I have been back here for almost a week. There were a couple of stuff that my friends did to surprise me.

I had this problem with my shower door for quite some time now and I never really knew how to fix it. Imagine how surprised I was when I came back seeing that my sliding door functions perfectly thanks to Jonsern! .haha guys and their ability to fix stuff! He even got me this piggy gummy candies. haha-_- apparently I look like them.

Alva and Ching Yee took care of my place while I was away. I passed them the keys just in case they didin't have a place to stay when their at the city.-_- they actually did so many things to my room without me knowing. haha Imagine me telling them not to do anything for me at all at the beginning but they actually did. So (: I'm equally thankful. Both of them got me like strawberry jams, fairy dust and a mini cute decoration.

New bedsheet! (: So pretty.

I'll be out tonight for the first time in such a long time because it's a friend's birthday. Fun it is!


~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 1:40 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

So I have this major obsession for bags and shoes right now. The style that caught my interest recently are those of Samantha Thavasa "kago" collection. It's different in a sense that it's not your usual clutch, hobo, shoulder bags.

Yeap it's straw bags! -_- lol It's actually a Japanese trend right now.
So pretty(: Ok la I'm looking for one that is simple and nice. Nothing over the top.

The other obsession of mine is the classic oxford shoes. These heels looks so classy, timeless and elegant !

I'm going to save more on the food and buying unnecessary stuff from now on!

-_- This is a super redundant bimbotic blog post.

I spent the whole day after class shopping, sleeping and watching videos.

Speaking of videos. You guys should catch Wong fu's funemployed. Ok only do it when your super bored. It's quite entertaining. Hmm or is it just because of the fact that I love the wongfu people? haha I know people like Szejia, Jon Sern and Alex are going to agree with me on how nice some of their videos are.

Oh dear. I'm supposed to work on my first few assignments that are due soon. What a procastinor I am! Hopefully my plan to stay alert in class and to sleep early works considering the fact that I have morning classes every single day.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:27 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This is just a really sad week. OK as much as I want to stop sounding like a whiney ass, I don't think I can ): . The passing of Ben and knowing the fact that so many people is leaving melbourne makes me emo mo mo *wails like a crying baby*.

-_- Why do I cry so easily when it comes to things that happens in "real" life than those on screen tsk tsk. I'm such a weirdo. I feel bad now coz I make fun of szejia every time she emo at the cinema... *Sowwie ):

So yea. How am I supposed to maintain this "happy" outlook without sounding emotional because I tend to be emo so easily. Hmm I guess I have been like this since forever.

Other than that, I'm glad that I have super good friends in my class to have hot chocolate and coffee during our breaks and to share on what I did during the holidays. Not forgetting the badminton club people and Praveen & gang +Alva, Ching Yee, Jonsern (I would have been eating dinner at home most of the time without them).

So (:

Come to think of it, I guess all I did was to look beyond those emotional thoughts and to count my own blessings through the things that I have.

I'm at Information design class right now. Oh dear. It feels awfully quiet right now because there's only four students in this class and the lecturer is err sort of quiet. I woke up late today thanks to my clumsy self. Accidentally set my alarm to "pm" instead of "am". So yeah. Here we are, learning on how to design the interface of electronic devices (mobile phones, cameras etc.) and image functions.

Looks like I have to invest on an apple product soon because the normal operating system doesn't support the use of multiple designing and flash software all at once. It crashes all the time. I was thinking on either a mac book pro or a mac mini.

haha Enough about the boring stuff.

Can't wait for inception tomorrow! I have been waiting to watch this film since forever. This film features one of my all time favorite actor, Leonardo Di Caprio. haha I think he aged well from his Titanic "look". Don't you think so??

ok I'll cut the crap! lecturer's coming to my table. Bye bye!

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 9:56 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, July 19, 2010

Melbourne is the place where I spend time on clearing up my thoughts and without a doubt, this place gives me the the sense of relieve and I often find myself feeling less pressured here. I spend a lot of my time walking at various places, taking the trams and trains while listening to the music on my playlist. I guess this is simply because of the fact that I dont get people telling me what to do or what not to do, pressure in terms of my love life, friendship, my responsibilities at home. I'm far away from the problems and the confusion I face back at Malaysia. The only thing that I miss the most is of course the family and a couple of other people.

I started my very first class today and boy this class sure is interesting. What a nice way to start off this semester. subjects related to films have always been one of my favorites besides designing. I have already received my first project -_- that is due like real soon. Supposed to create this 30 seconds of video of still images and music tracks that represents the person that I choose to feature or to create something out of the 7 sins (pride, envy, gluttony, lust,anger, greed and sloth). How cool is that!? (:

I finished season 5 of the girls next door. -_- lol I know that show is damn bimbotic and it's full of boobies showing but it's quite entertaining because their rich and it's all about the playboy mansion. I'm currently watching the remaining episodes of gossip girl in season 3 (I'm getting really sick of it ugh), the vampire diaries, carlifornication and family guy.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 6:35 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, July 18, 2010

I love being sentimental and keeping things that are used to preserve memories. To me, photographs are the best way to capture these wonderful moment. I have photographs in my purse, my rooms are all filled with them and I usually prefers to give photo frames with pictures in them as a gift. haha I bet many of you have already received at least one photo frame from me-_-.

I keep polaroids like this:

I decorate my room like this:

I keep photo stickers everywhere!
(: So yeah. These photos reminds me of so many things. I would usually spend some time looking back at old photographs at my free time.

Ps: I'm already back at Melbourne but it still feels like I'm back at Malaysia. Sigh. Today's cold and it rained. What a 'nice' way to start off my second semester here. Class starts tomorrow. I'm hoping the subjects won't be too tough.

I'm addicted to this song right now. Not exactly the best cover but it sounds quite nice hehe (:
lol It's all about how the guy harmonized with the girl.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 11:28 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm not going to deny that I'm a sucker for romance novels and films (: . One of the authors that I own a lot of books from is Nicholas Sparks and I actually caught almost all the films based on his books besides "The Last Song". haha yes I like sappy love stories although I have people laughing at me for reading his books. I think simplicity is the best way to go even when your writing a romance novel. A lot of us would love to think that our love stories are similar to those on screen and books. No doubt it seems unrealistic but it makes people happy. I like how Nicholas Sparks puts in deep human emotions into his writing and it never fails to create this effect that allows people to feel how the characters feel. I likes shows and books that have good values embedded in them in terms of human relationships and feelings.

hehe (: that is my naive and nerdy side.

Today is one of those relaxing days that I spent time on watching two movies: Dear John (Channing Tatum & Amanda Seyfield) and Remember Me (Robert Pattinson). Kind of enjoyed both films. I think Robert Pattinson did pretty well acting in this film (not a twilight movie fan haha).

Spent the past two days hanging out with of my bestfriends, Sonia. It was funny that I sang the Birthday song at a cafe that we were at. The waiter almost spoiled my plan by coming over to our table to ask for what I wanted on the cake I just ordered-_-. haha So yeah. That was me wanting to give Sonia a Birthday Surprise.

Dad is driving me up to KL most probably on Saturday afternoon to catch my flight at midnight. Packing is such a pain and I think my bags are going to ended being overweight. Sigh. Going out tonight with the family to get some stuff for me to bring back. I shall be optimistic and that 5 months passes by real fast.

I'm so addicted to origami right now. -_- yeah I know. I'm such a grandma but well origami has been one of my interests since I was a little girl. I love everything to do with arts and crafts. Well, it helps when it comes to family/friends/boyfriend's birthdays and presents for every occasions. To me, it's more meaningful to make something for someone than to purchase a present from the store because it shows the effort and the sincerity you put into making them. Thats hows I am old fashion or not haha.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 4:34 PM

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