Couture ME <3


♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Apparently my brain does not function well enough because it is seemingly still stuck at the past where things were thought to be most ideal and perfect.

I still dream of those days in which I feel like I belong to somewhere or feel like I'm a part of something. Melbourne seems so foreign and unfamiliar. I get the idea that I'm constantly having strange thoughts and worrying because I am out of my own comfort zone (The once so perfectly fitted world that I had).

I'm also frustrated by the fact that I am constantly caught in situations where I unintentionally hurt people from not knowing how to have my own stand and just blindly agreeing, doing and following what people says. It gets annoying because I get so busy with doing what people wants me to do that i might have unintentionally neglect some. This stupid habit of mine should have been changed ages ago. I'm such a coward because I don't like hurting people and I care far too much for their feelings. Because of my wishy washy behaviour, I screw up all the time.

It's so easy to say "no" here but it's difficult to put it in actions.

I'm tired of looking for excuses and not being completely honest when I should be just to protect their feelings. I should stop.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 6:09 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Twist, link and dunk. mmm I had mini oreos with a glass of fresh milk.

Don't these mini oreos look so cute?

I'm contemplating on getting my hands on those coloured contacts lens that everyone was raving about and asking me to try them on (Including my own sister). Well, I've never really thought of wearing them because I can only put on those special made toric ones and I might look weird in them.

I have astigmatism, therefore, I can't easily get coloured contacts just at any stores that offers them. In fact, I have to custom make or order them in advance. haha so unfair but yeah Imma try them out soon just for the fun of it (just like my post on hair extension-.-).
I'll definitely go for something not over the top. Just grey or brown.

Have been putting on my honey+cinnamon mixture on my face. It's really good for curing pimples! natural remedy.

oh oh oh and I super have this fetish right now on tulle and those ballerina lookalike skirts *screams like a bimbo*. Their so pretty! Managed to get hold of some from . Ah yes. Everyone's buying from that website (It's one of the most popular online shop among the Malaysian girls). Not forgetting ASOS do have quite a number of them!

Oh yes! Carrie Bradshaw in her tulle.

Currently, the family is planning for our end of the year travel trip and mum wanted Taiwan this time round (my mum copycat haha!. It was supposed to be just me and Selina. Now the whole family's going)

oh yes imagine: the good looking Taiwanese people, the good food, the fabulous shopping and not forgetting, a whole lot of tourist attractions! . I'm getting all excited.

I'll be flying back as soon as I finish my one and only paper-.- (Damn lame!) . Mid November for all the people having their Birthdays by then.

I feel like I'm rambling a lot. Sigh what to do, this is the only place I come to during my breaks from work.

(: bai!

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:27 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I was watching the making of Miss Malaysian Universe web episodes on youtube. I really enjoy watching those Malaysian web series they put together (Project Alpha, Malaysian Dream Girls etc) on the cyber space.

:O Hans Isaac is one good looking lad! (minus the fact that he is hmm a little old)

Malaysia do actually have a large number of good looking people.

See what I mean!
hahaha (:
One of my all time favorite and one of Malaysia's most successful fashion designer, Bernard Chandran.
Alan Yun

haha Well technically, Henry Golding is not from Malaysia but he is now based here, so I don't care!
Look at that face (:
Last but not least, Hans Isaac.

ok la. Enough with the hunks.

teehee.... Back to work (:

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 5:07 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, August 23, 2010

We're constantly attracted to those people whom we classify as "hard to get" . When I mentioned "hard to get", it refers to the thrill you get from curiosity, the challenge and the mysterious vibe you get.

It's a natural human behaviour but realistically speaking, haha it's not exactly the way to go and it might not last (well I'm not ignoring the fact that there's a probability of it happening but usually nothing will come out of it).

It's a hectic day, I have been caught up with this insane amount of workload and a mini test tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to complete all of them before this weekend *cross fingers*
Got back marks for all my first assignments and I did better than expected (: . Hopefully things will stay the way it is.

In need of actors! for my group's upcoming short film based on the television series "Lost" haha. well yeah, my group mates were aiming to film something that contains the fear, thrill, horror and action elements.

Alva rang me up today and asked me to write an article on fashion for the lot's wife magazine. Hopefully I'll be able to produce something decent. :S

Long week ahead!

Anyway, we had a film outing last night:

Scott Pilgrim vs The World was awesome! the concept of the film is brilliant and the dialogues are hilarious! I like the fact that the director incorporates elements of video games and comic strips to further enhance the visual pleasure. It reminds me of "Sin City" but another version of it. Yet another graphic novel adaptation film. Go watch it for a good laugh!

Counting down to the weekend and Merdeka (:

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 9:37 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Don't we all have those moments when things are moving at such a fast pace. It feels so damn good at the beginning (like sugar rush) but when you finally have time to ponder upon things, you realise that it's not all that complete or great. Chances are, those moments were just excuses and the thrill you have in seeking refuge.

As much as I try to not have these thoughts, it kept coming back haunting and pushing me back to square one.

Somebody should just smack me on the face.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:59 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, August 16, 2010

As much as I try, there's always those who comment on what I do or how they don't really like me. I can't be bothered because who are those people to judge the way I live my life. I'm sick and tired of trying to explain myself or prove to people on what I do. I don't have to say it out loud that I love doing this or that.

If I'm quiet and shy, so be it. If I don't feel like talking, so be it. If I go out and hang out with people I feel comfortable with, so be it. If I feel like going to any places, so be it.

My weeks are still filled with assignments but I'm more or less immune to the workload. Same old routine: Stay in on weekdays/Sundays to complete my work and go out on Fridays/Saturdays. I like having company and people I feel comfortable with to be around me. Going out = a lot of shopping, Biero sessions (Well, I did cut down on the drinking because my stomach don't work well with alcohol but I like the fact that everyone meet up at least once a week to talk about things.), I go for Karaoke (It doesn't happen all the time but I did it twice this month and it's really a good way to release some stress), Watch tv series and films (I love films and anything video-related. So yeah), not forgetting food outings! and hanging out with Aaron & occasionally my other JB friends.

-_- Everyone's calling me currypau now thanks to Praveen *pokes and tickles*

hahah and I got so shy when I found out that Romesh reads my blog...

I'm doing pretty good right now. hehe So to the people back in Malaysia who are worrying about me having enough sleep, being healthy enough and managing my time well: Don't worry because I am doing much better.
I have no problems with submitting all my works on time and I sleep early during my weekdays.
My first hand drawn tattoo. Took me so long to finish it up :S . It's a very complicated design.
Unglam-___-" even my hair band fell.
The end product!
I drew part of her eyes as well.
I shot Matt with my gun ! (: Eh don't play play. This guy is a Manager at one of the hotels in Sydney.

Fehmes toilet mirror shot -___-
Went for Cinvin's birthday party.

So anyway, I had this mini photo shoot for my video on the seven sins. I got Aaron and Alva to become my models (: . It was fun. I can't publish out most of the pictures (hehe Intellectual properties) but I do have two shots that shows how great the both look in the pictures.

Crazy Karina teehee:
haha unglam like shit but Alva said I look damn funny here. I was just fooling around in the room coz I was bored.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 11:29 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Thursday, August 12, 2010

hahaha It was really funny because me and Jonsern were talking about some stuff and I don't know how but we talked about the really old school "buku 555" . Remember the 50 cents notebook? I laughed so hard when we talked about those stuff.

I grew up with 555 notebooks, those "Good Morning face towel"(-_- I had like 10000 of this at home. I think my mum bought it in bulk), the china plates, the bubble gums that have like a black bear picture on it, eraser games-______- , batu seremban and masak-masak :) .


eh cannot find the bubble gum online ): haha.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 10:55 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I was doing my magazine cover designs on both the laptop and paper while Smooch was staring at me hehehehe (:

-_- I'm officially crazy but finished all the homeworks for this week!

Took me so long to draw and sketch on the paper-_-...

Kenny sia posted this video on vibrating mascara recently and I do own one mascara that vibrates-____- ( before anyone judge me, haha I bought it by mistake la without knowing that there's this vibration feature on it).. It's crap! don't get it because it's a waste of money and it's doesn't really help. Damn lame!

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 10:44 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥

I feel that I'm always in the process of learning because there's just so much that I don't know. Growing up under the environment that I was shielded and protected most of the time. Hence, there were a lot of things that I'm not aware of and I get scared when things happens. I'm just a simple and an incredibly shy girl that worry far too much on things that I shouldn't worry about. It's true when they say that when you worry about things, it gets worst.

eh I'm not being emotional ok :P

I agree that there's no such thing of a fairytale or a perfect ending but I believe that there's plenty of good people out there. (: These people believe in what I do and what I am. Thats my secret to being confident and persevering in everything that I do for all these years.

haha I know that I constantly make people worry and they do get frustrated with me at times because I can be quite stubborn.

No more being a baby or such a brat..
HEHE Although I secretly like all the nagging and scoldings because I get the attention (:

I'm in a super good mood today because my lecturer said I did a very good job on my essay and presentation. That made my day! It doesn't take much to make me happy. I like simple things (:

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 5:16 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

After thinking so much haha, I decided to upgrade my external hard drive to one that offers much larger storage space because of the large amount of designing video and artwork files +all my series and movies. So yay! -.- well I know that this is nothing new because apparently everyone has one but it is to me because I really needed to change. *sticks out tongue*

How big the external hard drive is as compared to my old one-_-.

I also upgraded and added on a couple of accessories to my camera: Bought a couple of lenses, filters and the adaptor tube. It all came in a set. Thats going to me my last purchase this month.
Presentation tomorrow. Wish me luck !

Can't wait for Friday. I'm always looking forward for the weekends!

More projects uploaded (: ....

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:22 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Monday, August 09, 2010

Master is the crappiest thing that is happening to me right now!

Ugh never in my life I have complained about the course that I took this much and I'm telling you that I have never seen this much of workload in my life.

I have work every freaking day of the week and I can't even enjoy the weekend properly without doing work for just one day.

I went out just two nights last week and I found it hard to squeeze all the workload on my other days.

Week by week passed and the workload increases every week.
I have work due on even Sundays!
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. ALL FILLED WITH PRESENTATIONS, REPORTS, PROGRAMMING, DESIGNING, ESSAYS!@$!$!!@#!#$!@#!!

I'm beyond stressed. Can barely breathe.

Nobody warned me about my course being this intensive and crazy.
How am I supposed to come up with a good piece of work when I barely have enough time to complete all my assignments.
All I'm wishing right now is that I'll do well for this semester. My determination is there but it's slowly slipping away because I barely have time even for myself. I'm alright with one semester but 3 semester non-stop is just insane.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 2:20 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Sunday, August 08, 2010

The weather is making everyone fall sick right now ): and unfortunately, I'm one of them. I kinda made it worst by having Thai food (With Aaron, Alva, and Jonsern) and alcohol last night.

Aaron and Jonsern came over to my place to hang out in the afternoon and we killed time by playing games and talking.

Watched "Dream Home" after that. It's one of the only film I'm actually catching from the list of movies under the Melbourne International Film Festival. Have never actually heard of the festival until Praveen told me about it. Well it was kind of gory but funny at the same time. I'm not much of a gore fan but I wasn't crazily scared. It was funny because we were all sitting at the first few rows at the cinema and I literally covered my eyes and made funny noises at some of the scenes-_-.

Randomly went out for someone's birthday party at Charlie's bar and then stopped by Biero to have a couple more drinks before heading to Prav's place for more drinks :S

haha thats the closest I can get to having a house party knowing that my place have fussy neighbors and ): it's not the biggest place to live in.

I went home in the morning without being able to see clearly because my contact lens was too dry thanks to the weather.
It was fun though! (:

I'm quite surprised at the fact that I managed to still do my work without having anything unusual appearing on my work after all that drinks. Managed to finish before falling asleep at 8 in the morning-_-.

Had Dim sum at Chinatown with Ching Yee. She gave me tv series to watch yay!

hahaha! managed to take a picture of someone's furry home shoes. It was funny when I first saw this :P

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 7:20 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Friday, August 06, 2010

My "designing projects" is now ready for viewing with two of the very first project I did when I was still new in my course (hehehe the very basic use of illustrator tools)
Project 1: On one of my classmates.
Project 2: Psychedelic.

It's at the sidebar of my blog.


~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 10:25 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥

I have been pigging out a lot lately and most of the outings with my friends involves eating (: . Oh well! Who can resist good food?

Jonsern called me a monster just now -____- .


and and and I had one of the best shopping experience here at Melbourne with Alva yesterday! It was just us, pancake parlour and Myers. Whoops and I did mentioned before this that I have to stop shopping so much. Sigh. Old habit that apparently is far too difficult to quit. Watched Step Up in 3D after that with Tina, her boyfriend, and the other couple-__-. It was basically a couple thing hahaha Me and Alva were the odd one out but pretended that we're couple. To top that up, I even bought choc tops for the both of us. The movie wasn't great. Nothing could be compared to the very first Step up where Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan did their amazing dance moves. There were the occasional impressive movements but it was just an alright movie.




I look like crap here-_____- but It was funny and I wanted to buy that home. haha Apparently it can carry up to 70kg.
Cook out with the classmates! (:

Dinner just now at Nihonbashi Zen. It's an expensive place but serves very good food. Go there if you don't mind splurging.



Macha ice cream mmmm. (: My usual desert..


Ok the reason why I got emotional lately is solely because of the fact that I got stressed over my Masters program. Everything seems tougher with IT subjects being the main concern for this semester and not forgetting that my classmates are getting more and more competitive. So yeah. Stuff like my studies (besides my family and friends) affects me much more than breaking up with a boyfriend-_-. Even Alva commented on how upset I looked and it's very unlike of me to look like that. Oh well, I have my bad days.

hmm on an unrelated note, sometimes things are harsh no matter h0w much you sympathizes the people who are hurt by their relationships. Sigh It sucks but sometimes it's better to let go then to try mending problems that will resurface again in the near future. When a girl gives up and fall out of love, it's not going to change because usually girls are the vulnerable ones that forgives easily and put love as one of the priorities in life. When something happens, it doesn't change.

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 8:03 PM

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♥ K a r i n a ♥
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

I managed to put aside quite a lot of time on watching movies. Some turn out to be quite impressive I must say.

Inception: I don't think I have to explain how great this movie was. It's not one of those movie that are over rated just because everyone likes it but the fact that this film successfully captured the attention of the public due to it's highly interesting plot. Needless should I say how much I love this film and it deserves to be on the top spot of the best movie this year alongside with "Toy Story 3".

The Orphan: hahaha As you can see, all twisted and weird movies are good. I find the scare and gruesome scenes in this movie sufficient to leave me feeling pretty scared. The storyline is awesome as well because it leads viewers into making various assumptions on the plot but no one would have known what is actually going on until the very end of the movie. This is what a good movie should be about. It's unpredictable and it's good.

1408: I just watched this last night in my room and to be honest, it's not the best horror movie you can watch and you can do without watching it I supposed. I prefer the other movies that are based on Stephen King's books like "The Shining" and "Carrie". These are the classic films.

Despicable me: THIS FILM IS ADORABLE!!! and I loved it! Besides "UP" and "Toy story 3", this animated film is pretty good as well. The storyline is solid. It provides audiences with a couple of touching scenes and good values. Go watch it if you haven't watch it yet (:

Mukhsin: We all already knew all great Yasmin Ahmad's works are and this is one of them. I love how she incorporates the idea of multiculturalism and good family values into almost all her productions. These are the kind of movie that makes me feel happy that I'm actually from Malaysia

Four Rooms: haha I'm not sure how to talk about this film because it was a very strange and hard to understand kind of film. There were the occasional funny scenes. Quentin Tarantino made an appearance at the end of the movie but honestly, I didin't know how to react after watching this film.

Wall Street: This on the other hand is pretty good I must say. I don't why but it feels like as though I'm seeing an actual scene in "reality" than one in the movie. It feels quite surreal. It's all about the storyline and the success of the movie depends a lot on it.

Next up will be the Hong Kong horror film "Dream Home" this Saturday for the Melbourne International Film Festival. I'm actually freaking out a little after watching the trailer. *Bites nail.

I sang, I ate, I met my college mates, I went to the bar, and I went to take some picture while the boys play their futsal. It has been a pretty busy week for me considering the fact that I'm playing and studying at the same time -_-.

): I've never felt so low in confidence before but Master this semester is driving me crazy. Everyone's equally competitive and programming is getting tougher this semester. Hopefully things works out for me and I'll do well. I don't have to prove to anyone that I can do I? I can I can I can. :S

In need of some magic dust.

I'm also quite screwed right now because of the amount of stuff that I have in my room. ): Quite sad to let some of them go though
Half the amount of shoes that I have at Melbourne
This one lagi drastic!! less than half the amount of clothes that I have. Less shopping from now on!

~KaRiNa~♥ Hot couture @ 1:16 PM

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